Your green bin is collected each and every week, 52 weeks a year.
Organics recycling is an important part of the Municipality of North Grenville’s long term waste strategy. Diverting residential organic waste away from landfill will save the municipality millions of dollars.
Before the organic program was introduced, it was found that over 50% of North Grenville’s garbage (by weight) was compostable organic material that could be put into the green bin.
Just as residents separate recyclable materials from their garbage, the Green Bin program makes it easy to separate organics for curbside pickup.
Use the small, specially-designed kitchen bin to collect organic materials. Simply empty the organic contents of the kitchen container into the large green bin for curb-side pickup.
In 2021, the goal of the new program was to collect 30% of the organics currently headed to the landfill. This is measured regularly using weigh-slips.
Curbside Organic Collection FAQs
If you already use a backyard composter you are helping divert waste from the landfill! The new organics collection will help you divert even more waste! Use the green bin for items you cannot throw in your backyard composter.
What does NOT go in my backyard composter?
Do not compost bones, fish, dog or cat waste, dairy products, rhubarb leaves and other toxic plants, fatty foods such as cheese, salad dressing, leftover cooking oil, meats, walnut shell or walnut leaves. Put these items (and more) in your green bin.
What can I compost?
- Yard waste - leaves, grass clippings, wood chips, plants, flowers, weeds (before they go to seed), straw or hay.
- Kitchen scraps - fruits & vegetables, eggshells, tea bags/leaves, coffee grounds/filters, rice, bread, pasta (no oil or sauce).
- Other - hair, sawdust (non-treated wood).
What is Composting?
Composting is the natural breakdown of food and yard waste into a nutrient-rich material which can be added to your gardens.
Why Compost?
- Soil Enrichment - Compost improves soil structure to enhance plant growth (similar to peat moss).
- Water Conservation - Compost helps soil retain moisture which reduces the need for watering.
- Waste Reduction - Composting can reduce your household waste.
- Prevent Plant Disease - compost contains natural antibiotics that suppress disease in plants.
How do I compost?
- Choose a sunny location with good drainage for your composter.
- Place a base (i.e. chicken wire) on the ground and set the composter on top of the base.
- Place kitchen scraps (i.e. greens: materials high in nitrogen such as vegetables, or grass clippings) with yard waste (i.e. browns: materials high in carbon such as dried leaves) in alternating layers and turn regularly.
- Place some "finished compost" or garden soil in a thin layer (2.5 cm or 1 inch) over top of kitchen waste to help speed up the process, reduce the risk of odours and allow for air movement and drainage.
- Your compost is ready when the texture is dark and crumbly and has a pleasant earth-like smell. It will normally take a year or more.
Composting Tips
- Always keep your compost material as moist as a damp sponge.
- Chop waste into smaller bits for faster decomposition.
- Don't add thick layers of any one material, particularly grass; mix it with other material instead.
- You can compost throughout the winter. The composting process slows down but speeds up again in the spring.