The Municipality of North Grenville regulates signs and requires a Permit for the construction, installation, relocation or alteration of signs located on private property. Sign regulations are set out in the Municipality's Signs By-Law (47-16). The regulations govern the location, size, dimensions, illumination and animation aspects of signs, as well as the general design of the sign.
Signs By-Law (47-16)
Signs By-Law Amendment (77-22)
Larger signs, such as ground signs, fascia signs, roof signs, projecting signs, billboard signs, etc require a Building Permit and some aspects of larger signs may be required to be designed by a professional engineer. The Building Permit Application form and Sign Data Sheet can be found here:
Application form checklist when putting up a sign
In addition, larger signs may also be subject to the provisions of the Municipality's Zoning By-law and Site Plan Control. Further information can be found by contacting a planner in the Municipality's Planning Department.
Signs within the Community Improvement Plan Area of Downtown Kemptville are also required to conform to the "Downtown Signs Design Guidelines" in order to be eligible for Community Improvement program funding.