To identify and advise on housing related matters, including affordable and attainable housing, as well as conduct research and provide advice to Council regarding housing policies, proposals and housing matters that are from time to time referred to the Committee by Council.
The Committee shall:
- Work with the Municipality of North Grenville to continue to advocate to senior levels of government increasing funding under affordable housing and housing support programs.
- To assist in the review and development of housing policy annually and making recommendations to Council on proposed policy changes.
- Provide comment on housing components related to the update of the Municipality’s Official Plan.
- Investigate the development of alternative forms of affordable and attainable housing ownership models and facilitating and promoting these housing projects.
- Aid in increasing the diversity and supply of housing stock within North Grenville.
- Act as a commenting body to review housing development projects, including providing comments to Council.
- Identify current and projected needs for housing, including affordable and attainable housing, within the Municipality.
- Determine strategies to improve Municipal access to programs and/or funding for the development of housing, including affordable and attainable housing, through the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville
- Research effective models of affordable housing and best practice strategies found in other municipalities, including additional residential units, redevelopment and mixed housing developments.
- Identify strategies to promote the conversion of non-residential and residential buildings to be used for affordable and attainable housing
- Identify potential partners and partnership strategies with the private, non-profit and government sectors to assist in the development of affordable and attainable housing.
The Committee shall have regard to the shared priorities of the Community Strategic Plan, Committee Handbook, and Procedural By-Law.
For more information please contact the Deputy Clerk at 613.258.9569 Ext 171.